Calendar Prayer Requests
- Sunday, 11/6: Robin Fancher; Nick and Becky Folwick
- Monday: Dana and Diane George; Leslie Gleason, Sarah and Laura
- Tuesday: Carolyn Glendenning; Katie Goodell, Tyson and Melanie Rademacher
- Wednesday: Linda Hebrink and Jim Corbo
- Thursday: Brenda Heitz; Dave and Jill Hempel
- Friday: Shawn and Michelle Hempel, Shawn and Nicole
- Saturday: Earl and Betty Hetherington; Susan and Bill Hickey
- Sunday, 11/13: Pastor Grant and Debra Hill; Tom and Gloria Huffman
Special Prayer Requests
Prayers and Praises:
- Carol: Susan Hickey has COVID. Pray for healing and immunity for her.
- Carol: Harvey was at Ridgeview ER. Testing for a reaction to cranberry juice.
- Daniel: Pray for Chris, Daniel’s; mentee, as he transitions from a controlled environment at the Salvation Army to being on his own. Put people in Chris’ life and a purpose to live stay clean.
- Karen: Pray for the persecuted church worldwide as the International Day for the Persecuted Church is observed.
- Pray for relief from genocide in Nigeria .