Calendar Prayer Requests
- Sunday 10/16: Tom and Betsy Kiefer; Tom and Carol Knowlton
- Monday: Debbie Krogman; Steve and Patty Miller
- Tuesday: Chuck Lund; Sandra Lucas
- Wednesday: Scott and Sheryl Moats; Colleen Moore
- Thursday: Tom and Sandy Neudahl; Lisa Olson
- Friday: Harvey and Carol Parker; Mary Paulson
- Saturday: LeeAnn Randall; Jan Reed
- Sunday 10/23: Kim and Laurie, Morgan and Riley Reinhart
Special Prayer Requests
Prayers and Praises:
- Susan: Prayers for co-worker,Jill. Pray for restoration from her brain injury. Travel safety for daughter, Laura, as she attends a wedding in Mexico.
- Jill: Continued prayers for Dave. Strength for Jill to continue caring for him.
- Tulee and Nate: Pray for stability, sobriety, and trust. Pray for them to make good choices.
- Pray for clarity for Harvey. Strength for Carol to keep him home as long as possible.
- A HUGE THANK YOU from Pr. Grant and Debra for the nice card and gift certificates When they use the certificates for dinner, they will think of all members of Minnewashta Church and thank them for their prayers and generosity.
- Praise:
- Jan – for a wonderful trip.