Calendar Prayer Requests
- Sunday, 11/27: Daniel Stensgaard
- Monday: Ron and Ruth Stutzman
- Tuesday: Louis Zakaraisen
- Wednesday: Angela and Megan Zembrycki
- Thursday: Judy Aarness; Chip Atkinson
- Friday: Donna Betker; Karen Bosshart; David Boyd and Lena Krause
- Saturday: Mavis Boyd; Bob and Cindy Castellano
- Sunday, 12/4: Randy and Tari Clay; Marlene Doheny; Alan Dvorak
Special Prayer Requests
Prayers and Praises:
- Deb K – Prayers for relief for neck, back, and hip pain. That the growth on the head of her
friend, Nora, will not be cancerous. Prayers for her friend, Heather, to find peace.
Jan R – Prayers for Jan’s sister, Karen, and brother-in-law, Don, as they travel to Israel.
Healing prayers for Colleen as she undergoes knee surgery. Continued prayers for strength for
Harvey Parker and Dave Hempel as well as for their care givers, Carol and Jill.
Dana – Prayers for friend, Isabel, who has cancer and has developed pneumonia. Pray that she
will respond to treatment for both.
Karen- Pray for defeat of the Respect for Marriage bill; it would codify same sex marriages.
- For Zak’s crystal clear voice as he sang “Bless this House.” It was angelic. Blessings on our church and each of our homes.
Donna- Safe travels to Florida for daughter, Kathy and her husband, Tom.
Karen- Praise for family time in Montana and for remission of Paul’s cancer.