Thur, 3/20 – Lisa Olson
Fri – Harvey and Carol Parker
Sat – LeeAnn Randall
Sun – Jan Reed and Ron Elliott
Mon – Kim and Laurie Reinhart, Morgan and Riley
Tue – Heather Samdahl, Mia and Aleah
Wed – Gil Sanchez, Joseph, Mathew and Brianna
Thur, 3/27 – Jerry and Dianne Schottler
Prayers and Praises:
- Carol – Healing prayers for Harvey as he undergoes a MOHS procedure on 3/20 for his scalp carcinoma. UPDATE: Praise God – the doctor was successful in removing cancerous tissue and no wound care needed!
– Also Healing prayers for Pastor Doug Roper as he seeks medical attention for his health and for Kathy Roper who was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.
- Dianne – Healing prayers for her SIL, Bill Hickey who underwent a knee replacement surgery on 3/19. Continued healing prayers for her daughter, Susan Hickey who is being treated for her fatty liver disease.
- Karen – Prayers for our country and world in turmoil. May hate be overcome with love for one another and a love for Jesus.
- Pastor Grant – Safe travel prayers for Dana G. & Diane as they travel to Florida for a family vacation.
– Also Uplifting prayers for those who are not able to worship with us in person, Harvey, Dave, & Jerry. Ongoing prayers that Minnewashta and Branch churches will be used to reach the lost & hurting people and families in our community, to advance the kingdom of God.