Thur, 2/6 – Devin Caliri; Lisa Lyon
Fri – Dana and Diane George; Leonard George
Sat – Carolyn Glendenning
Sun – Katie Goodell, Tyson and Melanie Rademacher
Mon – Dave and Jill Hempel; Shawn and Michelle Hempel, Nicole and Ryan
Tue – Earl and Betty Hetherington
Wed – Susan and Bill Hickey
Thurs, 2/13 – Pastor Grant and Debra Hill; Tom and Carol Knowlton
Prayers and Praises:
- Ron, Ruthie, & Family – Healing prayers for Ruthie who was re-hospitalized a second time 2/4 for an infection. Peace & comfort prayers for Ron & Ruthie and their family as they Celebrate the Life on 2/8 of their daughter, Ronda who passed away in January. The Celebration will be streamed for Ruthie & Ron as they are not able to travel to Arizona.
Meal Train has been set up. Here is the link to sign up. MealTrain for Ruthie
- Pastor Grant – Prayers for healing and strength for Doug Shoutz following his gallbladder surgery. Doug was discharged from Waconia Ridgeview and is now residing at a Transitional Care Unit for ongoing post-surgery care and physical therapy.
– Healing prayers for brother Steve who is undergoing surgery today for a stomach polyp found on follow-up CT scan for his colon cancer.
- Leonard – Praise Jesus for his daughter, Debbie Davidson’s successful colon cancer surgery. Please keep Debbie in your prayers as the doctors have discovered a lesion on the back of her liver. Praying for Debbie this is a non-cancerous finding as the doctors plan their options in determining the lesion type.
- Karen – Praise Jesus for granddaughter Lyla as she will not require additional spinal taps and will go back to school later this week. A second Praise to Jesus for Lyla’s mother, Chelsie, as the beginning of relationship restoration has taken place between her and her brother, Justin. Justin is a doctor that evaluated Lyla’s elbow/arm after a fall. Thanks be to God!
- Devin – Praise Jesus for the lien release of his motorcycle. He is now debt free from motorcycle financing.