Calendar Prayer Requests
Sunday, 2/26/23: Gene Schumacher; Doug Shoutz
Monday: Cassie Bibeau and Shelby Solberg
Tuesday: Daniel Stensgaard
Wednesday: Ron and Ruth Stutzman
Thursday: Louis Zakaraisen
Friday: Angela and Megan Zembrycki
Saturday: Judy Aarness; Chip Atkinson
Sunday, 3/5/23: Donna Betker; Karen Bosshart
- Cindy – Pray for Deb Krogman, who is having an MRI on her knee.
- Jan – Praise that Kristy Z is doing much better, after suffering a stroke. Pray also for her sisters, Megan and Angie.
- Donna – Pray for her friend Jerry, who is suffering with bladder cancer. Pray for his wife, Sarah, also.
- Dana G. Pray for Diane’s sister Robin, who is very ill and in critical care.
- Ruth – Pray for peace for her friend Rick, who needs a heart transplant.
- Grant – Pray for reconciliation with his daughter, Amy.
- Carol Knowlton – Pray for her friend, Liz Knapp Rosenberg, she is diabetic, and has been having some issues with her blood sugar levels, so now she cannot drive for two months. This is a real issue for here as she is a massage therapist, and treats people in their homes. Her specific request is that she can keep her blood sugar between 80 & 180. She is also trying to arrange for rides to get her to her appointments. Please pray that works out for her.
She also asks for prayers for her brother, who has had to go back on chemo for his cancer..