Memory Verse – Jeremiah 29:11-13 – “I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future yu hope for. Then you will call to me. You will come and pray to me, and I will answer you. You will seek me, and you will find me because you will seek me with all your heart”.
FROM FINANCIAL SECRETARY: All offerings must be received in the office by Monday, December 30. If your giving comes from a trust, please indicate your name in the memo.
There will be NO Midweek Advent Chapel Services on Jan 1.
RESUMING ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8 – MIDWEEK@MINNEWASHTA CHAPEL SERVICE w/Communion – Especially keeping seniors of the community in mind, we invite you to join us each Wednesday at 11:30 AM for this special time with hymns, prayers/praises, and Pastor Grant’s message. Fellowship lunch follows at 12:15 & movie at 12:45. Communion is served the first Wednesday of each month. Fellowship lunch is provided following our Midweek@Minnewashta Chapel Service. Freewill offering is encouraged.
MEAL & MOVIE – Wednesday, January 8: God’s Not Dead 4 – We the People, Part 1. A group of parents led by a local pastor, Dave Hill, are home-schooling their children when a representative from social services makes an unannounced visit and determines the parents’ teaching is not sufficient in meeting federal education standards. The parents are summoned to court after their
curriculum is deemed non-compliant with state educational standards. The families argue that they should have the right to educate their children in alignment with their religious beliefs.
ANNUAL MEETING – Saturday, January 11 at 10 AM.
Mission of the Month – January – Renew Hope/Amborella House – a non-profit that provides recovery and shelter services for women victims of sex trafficking. Their mission is to redeem, restore and renew the lives of women who have survived sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. Housing is the single biggest need in Minnesota communities communities as it relates to the issue of sex trafficked young adults. While there are more resources for minors, there are very few resources once a young person turns 18 years of age. The home is supplied with every need including food, extra clothing, toiletries and fully stocked kitchen and laundry. The house, which sits on over six acres, is fully fenced and supplied with a security system. The home is also staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for safety and for the ongoing programming that Amborella House provides our residents.
BENEVOLENCE FUND – The benevolence fund is used to aid families with unexpected or high medical expenses, victims of natural disasters. The unemployed, the under employed and in other similar circumstances.
MINNEWASHTA OFFERINGS – The Offering Boxes are mounted on the wall outside of the church office and the envelopes are located on the table beneath the two boxes. Alternatively, you can mail your offerings and tithes to the church: 26710 West 62nd St., Shorewood, MN 55331, Attn: Financial Secretary.
Thursday – MEN’S BIBLE STUDY – Noon – Lunch provided.
If you have an item for the announcements, please get it to the church office (via email) no later than TUESDAY morning. Thank you.