Memory Verse – Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”
MIDWEEK@MINNEWASHTA CHAPEL SERVICE – Plan to join us each Wednesday at 11:30 AM, especially if you love to sing familiar hymns! Many thanks to Sandra Lucas for agreeing to play for our service. If you have hymns you want to sing at the new Minnewashta Church Midweek Community Chapel Service, please feel free to contact Carol Parker ( with suggestions. The service will be followed by a Fellowship Meal & Movie. Fellowship lunch is provided following our Midweek@Minnewashta Chapel Service. Freewill offering is encouraged.
MEAL & MOVIE – October 2nd: “Drive Thru History Acts to Revelation” – Using the Book of Acts as his roadmap, Dave travels the Mediterranean region to share the events that launched the Christian faith.
• S1 E9 – Road Trip to Athens
• S1 E10 – Ancient Corinth
MINNEWASHTA OFFERINGS – The Offering Boxes are mounted on the wall outside of the church office and the envelopes are located on the table beneath the two boxes. Alternatively, you can mail your offerings and tithes to the church: 26710 West 62nd St., Shorewood, MN 55331, Attn: Financial Secretary.
MISSION OF THE MONTH FOR SEPTEMBER – Alliance Defending Freedom(ADF): Launched in 1994 by leaders in the Christian community, the founders knew it would take an alliance to keep the doors open for the Gospel in the United States. ADF is the world’s largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, marriage and family, and parental rights. Its focus is to defend Christians and other religious minorities against persecution and to advocate for free speech and religious freedom.
MISSION OF THE MONTH FOR OCTOBER – Haiti Kids School: HKS is a Minnesota 501c3 organization non-profit supporting Lott Carey School since 2008. Their mission is to make a difference in the Haitian communities they serve by making education, nutrition, and health services available. The school is located in Leogane, Haiti. Lott Carey School serves over 360 students. 250 of them are awaiting sponsors.
BENEVOLENCE FUND – The benevolence fund is used to aid families with unexpected or high medical expenses, victims of natural disasters. The unemployed, the under employed and in other similar circumstances.